Something needs to stop and stop now:

Progressive Web Apps Are Not a Google Technology!

I keep reading articles and watching videos trying to explain progressive web apps and so many of them say it is a Google technology or something that works in Chrome or on Android.

Yes, PWAs work on all those things, all things Google owns, provides, develops, etc.

But progressive web apps work great on iOS, Windows and in all browsers.

Yes, the Google Chrome team created (more like branded the term,). The phrase was created by Alex Russell and his wife specifically. And that was smart. Alex and the Chrome team could see an emerging new class of web experience built on top of a new web standard, service workers.

They could see service workers combined with best practices would be a new level of online experience. They also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to raise the bar of expectations on the web. I mean Google’s business is the web and they know the quality of online experiences is terrible with bloated, outdated web sites.

The content that sparked me to write this article fails to understand is progressive web apps are really a class of web apps with a higher quality user experience that leverage the best and modern web platform capabilities, blended with proven architectural best practices.

Whew, that was a mouthful!

Let’s dive deeper into the subject.

#progressive web app

Progressive Web Apps 📱 are Not 🚫 a Google Only Thing
1.15 GEEK