There are a number of terms and concepts in cloud computing, and not everyone is familiar with all of them. To help, we’ve put together a list of common questions, and the meanings of a few of those acronyms. You can find all these, and many more, in our learning resources.

What are containers?

Containers are packages of software that contain all of the necessary elements to run in any environment. In this way, containers virtualize the operating system and run anywhere, from a private data center to the public cloud or even on a developer’s personal laptop. Containerization allows development teams to move fast, deploy software efficiently, and operate at an unprecedented scale. Read more.

Containers vs. VMs: What’s the difference?

You might already be familiar with VMs: a guest operating system such as Linux or Windows runs on top of a host operating system with access to the underlying hardware. Containers are often compared to virtual machines (VMs). Like virtual machines, containers allow you to package your application together with libraries and other dependencies, providing isolated environments for running your software services. However, the similarities end here as containers offer a far more lightweight unit for developers and IT Ops teams to work with, carrying a myriad of benefits. Containers are much more lightweight than VMs, virtualize at the OS level while VMs virtualize at the hardware level, and share the OS kernel and use a fraction of the memory VMs require. Read more.

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Cloud Computing 101: Frequently Asked Questions
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