Discover the possibilities of Angular internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n)

Angular i18n and the localizing of applications had an overhaul with version 9, enabled by the new rendering engine Ivy. In this article, we take a closer look at how this built-in package of Angular now works, while pointing out the benefits and drawbacks we find.

We then set up an application with Angular internationalization and go through the complete process from marking texts for translation, extracting them to translation files, and how we manage these files to get the application deployed and maintained while keeping users all over the world happy with our translations.

Internationalization and localization

It’s easy to get confused with the terms internationalization (i18n) and localization (i10n), and where to draw the line between them. Internationalization is the process of designing your application so that it can be adapted to different locales around the world while localization is the process of building the versions of the applications to different locales.

Together they help us in adapting software to different languages and local variations in the look and feel expected by the target audience.

How localization works with Ivy

The new localization process of  Angular Ivy is based on the concept of  tagged templates. Tags allow you to parse template literals with a function. The tag used here is the global identifier $localize. Instead of translating the strings, the Ivy template compiler converts all template text marked with i18n attributes to $localize tagged strings.

So when we add:

<h1 i18n>Hello World!</h1>

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Maintaining Multi-language Angular Applications with i18n
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