We’re going to go over the most common data science interview question for 2021 in this video. Really it’s 3 of the most common concepts tested on all coding interviews wrapped in one question. I see this question (or version of this question) on almost every interview I’ve been on or given. Follow along with me and see if you would be able to answer this question.

Link to question: http://bit.ly/2L2Pf0W

This question is from Microsoft but versions of this has been found at other tech companies like Facebook, Google, Airbnb, Doordash, and others. The 3 concepts tested are SQL JOINs, CASE statements, and subqueries / common table expressions (SQL CTEs).


  • Intro: (0:00)
  • 3 common technical concepts: (0:47)
  • Interview question: (1:20)
  • 1st concept - Advanced JOINs: (1:42)
  • 2nd concept - CASE statements: (4:52)
  • 3rd concept - Subquery / CTE:: (7:46)
  • Conclusion: (10:41)

#data-science #interview-questions #sql #database

top Data Science interview Questions In 2021 [3 Concepts Tested on All Interviews]
1.65 GEEK