Understanding Linked Lists can be a difficult task when you are a beginner JavaScript developer since JavaScript does not provide built-in Linked List support. In an advanced language like JavaScript, we need to implement this data structure by scratch and, if you are unfamiliar with how this data structure works, the implementation part becomes that much more difficult.

In this article, we will discuss how a linked list gets stored in the database and, we will implement a linked-list from scratch with operations like the addition and deletion of an element, lookups, and reversing a linked-list. Before moving onto implementing a linked-list, one needs to understand what are the advantages of using a linked-list when we already have data structures like arrays and objects present.

We know that elements inside an array get stored in the database with numbered indexes and, in sequential order:

Arrays in memoryArrays in memory

While using arrays, operations like adding/deleting elements at the start or at a specific index can be a slow task since we have to shift indexes of all the other elements. This slowness is caused due to the numbered indexes feature of arrays.

The above problem can get solved with the use of objects. Since in objects, the elements get stored at random positions and therefore, there is no need to shift indexes of elements while performing the operations like adding/deleting elements at the start or specific index:

Objects in memory

#beginners #javascript

Understanding Data Structures in JavaScript (Linked Lists)
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