Learning blockchain from a reputable institution. Good certificates and potentially useful for job applications on blockchain positions. Here are the details for my overview of Coursera’s blockchain specialization courses.

Why you should take this course?

Firstly, their certificates have a good reputation because they’re being backed by highly reputable institutions. Secondly, they give you a general understanding of blockchain itself. Even more, you can be certified as some sort of a professional regardless of your university degree. Finally, you can realize what you miss with various specialization courses.

How I took this course?

I used Coursera for Students program offered by Coursera including thousands of courses sponsored by certain institutions until the end of September. As I searched through blockchain courses, I’ve seen blockchain specialization courses and enrolled without thinking.

How it adds up to skills?

In my opinion, despite they have reputable institutions back their certificates, they’re not as good as udemy when compared with their technical tutorials and instructions. But, their grading system and having users required to have a high-grade percentage to get certified also makes people fully engaged and learned in course modules. Moreover, programming assignments allow you to interact with the ethereum network with a virtual machine, making you program a smart contract, making you program a Dapp and its test codes for some practical experience.

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My Overview On Coursera’s Blockchain Specialization Courses
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