Web development is a comprehensive domain that covers the entire process of building a website — from making the layout to hosting the website and maintaining it. More than that, it is a fast-paced, dynamic career option that requires a quick mind and excellent problem-solving skills.

Why web development?

If you’ve ever dreamed of bagging that super dream package and working in a FAANG company, web development is the way to go.

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According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the percentage change in employment in web development from 2019 to 2029 is a whopping 8%, astoundingly larger than the average of 4%! This means that in terms of job opportunities, web development is a booming sector with a predictably increasing demand.

Apart from that, web development is a must-have skill for anyone who wishes to build brilliant projects and showcase them in hackathons!

There are two major aspects to making a website: front end and back end web development.

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Why should I learn web development ?
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