Almost every big tech companies and startups are using ‘Amazon AWS’

In the journey as the ARTH Learner in the program “ARTH -2020” under the guidance of ‘The World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga** Sir**’, I got to explore more and here I’m sharing some learnings.

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You may have come across the term ‘AWS’ too frequently in your life. But ever ponder that, ‘What is AWS?’ I’ll try to outline it all here, including an Intro to AWS, AWS benefits, AWS history, some basic terminologies, a breakdown of AWS services and some prominent stories of AWS customers.

Let’s get Started!

‘Cloud computing’ has become an integral part of businesses across all industries. AWS is the most popular and salient form in this field. It improves efficiency and provides relief for any number of business practices. Earlier, businesses were completely dependent on purchased servers and resources with limited functionality with higher prices.

The existence of AWS have solved many of such problems. Companies using AWS have servers available at any instant, and AWS provides various workloads, increased storage options, and enhanced security measures.

Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, and other functionality to help your businesses to scale and grow.

Some of the Benefits of AWS

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One of the advantages of AWS is that you get more than 175 cloud services and products on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis. This means that you pay only for the services you use. And, it works on a relative scale which means the less you use it, the less you’ve to pay.

Some other advantages of AWS relate to the applications associated with it. The applications are reliable as they are running on a reliable and safe infrastructure, greater scalability due to on-demand infrastructure, larger flexibility in terms of design options.

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AWS: A Support System for Startups
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