Data Visualization

Data visualization refers to the process of representation of data in various visual formats like a graph, chart, etc. It is important because it allows trends and hidden patterns to be more easily seen, which is also easier for the human brain to understand.

Python provides various libraries for data visualization libraries such as matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, bokeh, etc. In this article, we learn about data visualization by using seaborn.


Seaborn is a Python data visualization library built on top of the matplotlib library. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics. The best thing about seaborn is we get a lot of statistical tools that help us understand more about the data.

First, we need to divide our dataset in between independent variables and dependent variables. To find the relation or pattern between any two variables. Seaborn comes with many different types of plot. Now we will discuss different types of plot provided by seaborn.

Data Visualizations using Python and Seaborn

Technology August 6, 2020

Data Visualizations using Python and Seaborn

Data Visualization

Data visualization refers to the process of representation of data in various visual formats like a graph, chart, etc. It is important because it allows trends and hidden patterns to be more easily seen, which is also easier for the human brain to understand.

Python provides various libraries for data visualization libraries such as matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, bokeh, etc. In this article, we learn about data visualization by using seaborn.


Seaborn is a Python data visualization library built on top of the matplotlib library. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics. The best thing about seaborn is we get a lot of statistical tools that help us understand more about the data.

First, we need to divide our dataset in between independent variables and dependent variables. To find the relation or pattern between any two variables. Seaborn comes with many different types of plot. Now we will discuss different types of plot provided by seaborn.

Installing Seaborn

The seaborn has few requirements which you need to have

1. NumPy

2. pandas

3. matplotlib

4 SciPy

To install seaborn you should have all the above-mentioned libraries installed in your system .Once you install the required libraries, we are ready to install seaborn. To install seaborn, you can use

pip install seaborn

After we install seaborn, we are all set to explore seaborn.

To begin with seaborn libraries we need to import it as

import seaborn as sns

After importing we will be using built-in function load_dataset() which is used to load the dataset which is present inside the seaborn libraries.

In this article, we will be using the ‘tips’ dataset. This is a dataset from a restaurant where many come to eat food and after eating based on a total bill they hate paid some tips. For these, we have features like total_bill, tip, sex, smoker, day, time, size you can load the dataset by using

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Data Visualizations using Python and Seaborn
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