Right now, micro service is the hype for many software development architecture. It is the most popular architecture to use, but what is it?

Micro service is a development architecture pattern that divides big projects (monolithic) into smaller projects based on their functionalities. (my definition)

A few years back, people used to develop programs from back end to front end on the same project. When PHP and Javascript first started to rise, developers used to combine them in one project (monolithic) by a team or a single person (which is now called a full stack developer). Once upon a time, there was no back end developers or front end developers. Software updates were not that often, development demands were not like today.

Time passed and now suddenly we have three main platform to access an application. Ordinary web, iOS apps, and Android apps are the main platforms used right now. This results in the separation of graphic user interface, and logic or database. This creates two new job titles that is back end and front end developers, where back end programmers creates the main data logic, as front end focuses more on showing the data to the users.

As users got bigger, many tech companies are racing to have the most unique and helpful features for the users to use. This results in a big demand from companies to create new features and lead the race. This rise of demands, creates a backslash which is that systems are prone to bugs. The average feature updates a company have is maybe one feature per two weeks which I think is a short time especially if it’s a complicated one. To solve this problem, the micro service pattern is used.

Micro services pattern divides this big back end projects into smaller chunks as a new project. Each micro service should not be dependable to each other and so if a micro service is down or have bugs, it will not affect the app as a whole but will only affect that particular service.

#microservices #programming #develope #web-development

What is Micro Service?
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