In this video tutorial we will be discussing about what is cloud and aWs, companies using aWS, revenue of aws, new features and job opportunities in AWS. AWS services can be used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud. According to O’reilly, more than 90% of organizations are expected to increase their cloud infrastructure. In 2021 the upshot is that the majority of cloud users plan to scale their business in cloud rather than reducing their cloud usage share.
Now let’s get started and understand the concept in detail. Below are the topics we will be discussing today:

  1. What is cloud computing?
  2. what is AWS?
  3. Companies using AWS
  4. Revenue growth of AWS
  5. What’s new in AWS?
  6. Job opportunities

#aws #cloud #developer

AWS In 2021: What's New? | Amazon Web Services | Cloud Computing Technology
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