Since 2015, JavaScript has improved immensely.

It’s much more pleasant to use it now than ever.

In this article, we’ll look at properties in JavaScript.

Using call and apply to Call hasOwnProperty() Safely

hasOwnProperty is a method of an object’s prototype.

Therefore, it can easily be overridden with an object’s own methods.

To call hasOwnProperty safety, we can call it with call .

So instead of writing:


We write:, 'prop')

The 2nd way is safer because hasOwnProperty is always part of the Object.prototype .

We can’t guarantee that hasOwnProperty isn’t overridden with the first way.

With ES6, we can use the Map constructor to store key-value pairs, so that we don’t need to create objects to store them.

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Best of Modern JavaScript — Prototypes and Function Names
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