Money Manager App with Javascript and Tailwind CSS

In this video we’re going to build a small application called Money Manager and we will be using Javascript and Tailwind CSS to build this application. This is the first part of this entire vide where we will be creating the user interface . If you don’t know Tailwind CSS , don’t worry we’re also gonna cover that as well . It’s really simple . However since this is not a Tailwind CSS tutorial I’m not gonna explain every class there is but just the ones that I"ll be using to create the UI . Do tell me in the comment section if ou want a tutorial on Tailwind CSS .

I won’t be covering the Javascript part . I’ will add Javascript to this App in the next part so this App wont have the functionality right now .

So let’s get Started with Tailwind CSS to create the UI.

#javascript #css #tailwind

Money Manager App with Javascript and Tailwind CSS
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