How to easily create an awesome graph visualization using Python, Gephi, and GitHub Pages

In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how you can create, publish, and share interactive network graph visualizations in 5 simple steps.

Before we get started, here are the three things we need:

  • Python & NetworkX library [ 1]
  • Gephi [ 2] & SigmaExporter package
  • GitHub account & a public GitHub repository

Step 1: Import the CSV file and create a NetworkX graph

Step 2: Export the NetworkX graph as gexf file

Step 3: Import and modify the graph in Gephi

Step 4: Export the graph as Sigma JS

Step 5: Publish the graph visualization on GitHub pages

#network #data #marvel #github

From CSV to GitHub Pages in 5 Steps: Publishing an Interactive Social Network of Marvel
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