Alpine linux is a linux distribution primarily made for the deploying application on linux distribution and is a rising competitor for the Ubuntu. Alpine Linux is designed for security, simplicity and resource effectivity. It is designed to run directly from RAM.

Currently, the latest version of Alpine Linux is just around 4MB which is insanely amazing. This is the main reason people are using alpine linux for releasing their application. This tiny size as compared to it most famous competitor makes Alpine Linux stand out.

Size Comparison

The following comparison explains what make Alpine Linux distribution our topic of discussing because of its amazing tiny size but the question we all have would be how Alpine Linux achieve the following size?

Alpine Linux - Behind the scenes

The complete secrets and why the alpine linux has such a tiny image size as compared to the above yet it performs all the major operation of any other distribution here.

Alpine Linux is composed of following core components

  1. musl
  2. libc
  3. busybox
  4. apk-tools
  5. toolchain

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You Should Use Alpine Linux Instead of Ubuntu
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