COVID-19 has been a wakeup call for businesses across the world, reminding us of the importance of embracing digital transformation in a future that will be heavily driven by automation. The market landscape has become more competitive with only those business winning that can respond faster to the customers’ needs. Adoption of Edge and Hyperscale data centres have received a lot of attention during these past months, as businesses struggle to maintain continuity, cope with changing customer requirements and look for real-time, low-cost solutions.

With everything having gone virtual, sectors such as healthcare, retail, education, gaming, social media, on-demand entertainment content have seen tremendous growth and digitalisation. A report by IDC stated that by 2025, the average person will interact with a smart device nearly 4,800 times a day, which is triple our usage today. This growing digital data necessitates faster and real-time processing to reduce market response time. Latency becomes a major factor as the majority of businesses are migrating their critical data to the cloud, that not only inhibits the ability to work efficiently, but also makes it harder to maintain a stable environment at the same time.

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Need For Hyperscale And Edge Data Centers In The New Normal
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