Now a days Kubernetes popular type to host scalable applications & databases. Databases like Redis, Elasticsearch, MySQL & Postgres.

For above mention databases Helm charts are already available, These charts let you deploy database services on Kubernetes in a secure and reliable manner ensuring compliance with current best practices.

there might be situations where you need to migrate the data stored in database deployments to other clusters. For example, you might want to transfer a copy of your data to a separate cluster.

Assumptions and prerequisites

Making the following assumptions:

  • You have two Kubernetes(K8s) clusters — a source cluster and a destination cluster — running on the same cloud provider. For this scenario using the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) service from Google Cloud Platform (GKE) but you can use any cloud provider supported by Velero.
  • Learn about the platform velero supports.
  • K_ubectl_ CLI and the Helm package manager installed and configured to work with your both Kubernetes clusters.

If you already running DB server ElasticSearch & Redis you can directly skip to step:3.

#velero #kubernetes #kubernetes clusters

Clone & Migrate data Between Kubernetes Clusters with Velero
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