There are many ways to improve the visibility of your web application in Google search results. You can create great content or take advantage of a variety of SEO techniques. But you will not only achieve your full SEO potential unless your app is SEO-ready from a technical point of view. Here is an up-to-date technical SEO checklist for PHP apps and more.

Search Engine Optimization is a process aimed at improving visibility in the search engine result pages (SERPs). SEO focuses on increasing organic traffic and consists of three main pillars:

  • technical optimization,
  • content,
  • backlinks.

As a developer, am I able to make my web application perform better in SERP or at least help it become more cooperative with the efforts of SEO specialists?

In this article, I‘m going to prove that I can. In the process, I’m going to share with you a technical SEO checklist that I’m using in my own projects.

Let’s get right to it!

1. Application Performance

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Client Side Rendering (CSR)?

3. Canonical Tag

4. Robots.txt

5. – what is structured data and how to manage it?

6. Friendly URLs

7. Response codes traps

8. XML Sitemap file

9. Mixed content

#applications #php #seo #web

Technical SEO Checklist in 2021 – Practical Tips with Code
1.55 GEEK