Everything You Need to Know About the CSS Position Property

Today we’re gonna learn everything you need to know about the CSS position property along with examples. Let’s get started 🎖️

Table of contents

  • What is CSS Position Property?
  • What is the Static Position  in CSS?
  • What are the Relative and Absolute  Positions in CSS?
  • What is the Fixed P osition in CSS?
  • What is the Sticky P osition in CSS?

The Original Article can be found on https://www.freecodecamp.org

You can watch this tutorial on YouTube as well if you like:

What is the position property in CSS?

If you want to make **stunning websites that looks artistic, unique, and beautiful, **then you should definitely learn how to use the CSS position property. Let’s see how it works.

Using Flexbox or Grid, you can make a **symmetrical website **like this: 👇

Website made w/ Flexbox

With the position property, you can make an **asymmetrical website **like this:👇

Website made w/ Grid & position properties

You can’tplace your content anywhereyou wish using Flexbox and Grid. You’re limited around the X and Y Axis. Look at this drawing to see what I mean: 👇

Symmetrical content layout showing elements placed respective to the x and y axis

Your boxes will follow these exact measurements. 👆

But, using the position property, you can place your content anywhere you wish by **detaching **each element from the other elements.

Asymmetrical content layout showing elements placed irrespective of x and y axis.

You can place your boxes **anywhere **you wish with this sort of layout. 👆 In other words, you will have **free movement **around your screen.

Here’s another example of what you can make using the position property:

An Asymmetrical Website

You can place or move those little dots and waves patterns and donut image all around the page  anywhere you wish using the position property.

Project Setup

For this project, you can use any code editor that has the **emmet plugin **installed. I’m gonna use CodePen.io.


Inside the body tag, write this code: 👇

<div class="box-1"> </div>


Clear your default browser settings and add this CSS:👇

   margin: 0px;
   padding: 0px;
   box-sizing: border-box;

Style the box-1 class like this:👇

   width: 120px;
   height: 120px;
   background-color: skyblue;
   border: 2px solid black;

Our position property has 5 values:

  1. relative
  2. absolute
  3. static
  4. fixed
  5. sticky

To move our box, we’ll use 4 properties:

  • Top, Bottom
  • Left, Right

What is the Static Position in CSS?

This has** no use cases**. This is the **default value **of every element.

Default position of every element

What are the Relative and Absolute Positions in CSS?

Both the relative position and absolute position work in the same way except in one field. We use relative to identify the parent class. And we use absolute to identify the children classes.

Position VS relative position

Let’s look at 2 examples 👇

First, let’s experiment with the relativevalue. Try out this code:

/* Other codes are here*/

   position: relative;
   left: 100px;

This is the result you’ll get:👇

We can duplicate the same result using the absolute value like this: 👇

/* Other codes are here*/

   position: absolute;
   left: 100px;

Let’s investigate the main difference between relative and absolute positions.

Relative vs Absolute Position in CSS


Write this code inside your HTML: 👇

   <div class="box-1">

       <div class="box-2"> </div>	



Style the boxes with the following CSS:👇

	width: 300px;
	height: 300px;
	background-color: skyblue;
	border: 2px solid black;
    margin: auto;

	width: 100px;
	background-color: pink;
	border: 2px solid black;

It should look like this:👇

The result is a blue box with a smaller pink box in the upper left

Now, we’ll select our classes like this: 👇

body{ }

.box-1{ }

.box-2{ }

Now, write this code in your CSS: 👇



/* This is the  👇 parent */
	position: relative;
/* This is the  👇 child */
	position: absolute;
	left: 100px;

Here’s the result: 👇

The result is that the pink box has moved right 100px

Notice that .box-2 has moved** 100px **from .box-1.

This is because .box-1 is the **parent **and .box-2 is the child.

Let’s change it again. Write this code in your CSS:

/* This is the  👇 parent */
   position: relative;	


/* This is the  👇 child */
   position: absolute;
    left: 100px;

Now here’s the result: 👇

The result is that the pink box has moved 100px from the body

Notice that .box-2 has moved** 100px **from the body element.

This is because the body is the **parent **and .box-2 is the child.

What is the Fixed Position in CSS?

This value will fix the position of your element on the screen even when you **scroll **in the browser. Let’s look at some examples to see how it works.

Fixed position example

Write this code in your HTML. 👇 Once you write lorem200, make sure to hit the Tab key on your keyboard:

<div class="container">


	<div class="box-1"> fixed </div>



And here’s the CSS:

	height: 3000px;

	height: 120px;
	width: 120px;
	background-color: skyblue;
	border: 2px solid black;

	display: grid;
	place-content: center;

Then add this CSS at the bottom:


	position: fixed;
	top: 100px;
	left: 200px;

Here’s the result:👇

You can see that the element remains fixed even when we scroll our browser.

What is the Sticky Position in CSS?

After scrolling to a certain point on our screen, this value will fix the position of our element on the screen so it doesn’t move.

Sticky position example

Don’t change anything in your current HTML and CSS except this one value:

/*  Play with  👇 this value */
   position: sticky;
   top: 30px;
   left: 200px;

Here’s the result: 👇

You can see that after a certain scroll point, the element remains fixed at the exact top of our browser screen.

You can check out these websites to see how the sticky position works on actual websites.


Now, you can confidently make beautiful websites and solve simple layout problems using the position property.

Here’s your medal for reading till the end. ❤️

#css #web-development #programming #developer

Everything You Need to Know About the CSS Position Property
20.20 GEEK