Advanced PWA features that provide access to your hardware APIs. Making use of Media Capture API, the Geolocation API and Background Sync

In this tutorial, I will discuss advanced PWA features that provide access to your hardware APIs. We are going to build an app for making selfies with the Media Capture API and posting selfies with the BackgroundSync Api.

If you’re looking to build a powerful PWA that takes advantage of the hardware on a device, things are only going to get better. In this article, I will discuss some PWA features that provide access to your hardware APIs:


To start with this tutorial you must install the following:

Project Setup

As a starting point for the tutorial, clone this Github repository:

git clone

Then in your terminal move to the following directory:

cd pwa-article/pwa-app-native-features-init

and install the dependencies through:

npm i && npm start  

Open your app on: http:// localhost:8080

#pwa #api #web-development #developer

Enable Background Sync, Media Capture, and Geolocation APIs in Your PWA
3.15 GEEK