5 Reasons Why Svelte is Improving UI Development (Svelte.JS)

Svelte can be used anywhere and for anything you’d use Angular, React or Vue for. It’s a JavaScript tool used for building fast web applications, with a big focus on super slick and interactive user interfaces that are not only incredibly easy to build within the Svelte framework, but are also highly code efficient – never a bad thing.

There’s no performance cost associated with the framework’s abstractions, nor is there that initial dip in performance when an app first opens that’s usually attributed to the DOM diffing version update checking process.

Better yet, there is the flexibility to either build the entire app in Svelte, or to add in segments incrementally to an already existing base of code. Components made in Svelte can operate as stand-alone packages that don’t require the overhead of a conventional framework dependency, and can be used anywhere really.

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00:00 - Intro
02:49 - What is Svelte
04:22 - What is Svelte used for
06:01 - Svelte pros
09:08 - Svelte cons
11:00 - Who’s using Svelte

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Blog article version: https://www.kofi-group.com/5-reasons-why-svelte-is-improving-ui-development/

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Music - Throwaway 2 by XIAO-NIAO

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5 Reasons Why Svelte is Improving UI Development (Svelte.JS)
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