For most web applications, after a new user registers, it’s important to confirm that the user provided a valid email address that they have access to. This not only helps to prevent spammers from creating fake accounts, but it also provides an additional layer of security for your application.

For example, you never want to send a password reset email without first verifying the email address. Suppose a new user enters their email address incorrectly during the registration flow and that user attempts to send a reset password email. At best, the user simply won’t get the email. At worst, that password reset email will go to a valid email address, unowned by that user, and their account could then easily be compromised.

This blog post looks at how to send confirmation emails to newly registered users with Flask, Redis Queue (RQ), and Amazon SES (SES).

#flask #devops #task queue #docker

Sending Confirmation Emails with Flask, Redis Queue, and Amazon SES
1.70 GEEK