This article discusses how to use Amazon’s AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for TLS key management of Istio’s Ingressgateway in a kubernetes cluster.
We use AWS’s EKS to manage our Kubernetes clusters and use Istio as a service mesh. Managing a lot of microservices inside a Kubernetes cluster can be made easier using Istio. Istio’s ingress gateway also provides an easy way to manage traffic coming inside the cluster using gateways and virtual services.
In order to serve https traffic, there are various ways to manage TLS keys and certs. One of the ways is to use LetsEncrypt and it requires deploying some resources into the cluster and managing certificates and issuers. An easy way is to use Amazon’s AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to manage the TLS certs and just use annotations to allow ingressgateway to use those certs.
#kubernetes #aws-certificate-manager #istio #https #websocket