It’s just over one month until the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference KubeCon and CloudNativeCon North America takes place, from your sofas and kitchen tables. We hope you’ll join us for the four jam-packed days of talks on CI/CD, observability, operations, security, customizing and extending your Kubernetes deployments, and much more.

Our role as media sponsor, as always, is to ask the tough questions and to facilitate the showing off of the latest cloud native tech and trends. We’ll also bring you the pancakes (or inspire you to get your skillet out) — because when they are served with tech and syrup, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is.

This year, in addition to our Virtual Pancake & Podcasts and on-demand Day of Podcasting videos from our booth, we are holding a special livestream preview of the event this Tuesday, Oct. 20! The preview features a Lightning Demo at 10 a.m. Pacific. Then, at 1 p.m. PT, our Founder and Publisher Alex Williams and Managing Editor Joab Jackson will look ahead to the conference as they co-host a media and analyst roundtable discussion, featuring Rachel Stephens of RedMonk, Steven Vaughan-Nichols of ZDNet, and Katie Gamanji of American Express (who is also a member of the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee).

Find both livestreams on our Twitter feed @TheNewStack and live on Periscope at

As Kubernetes and the cloud native space, in general, continue to mature, the theme already emerging from KubeCon North America is simplicity. The pendulum has swung all the way from monolithic architecture to thousands of potential tools and services distributed among the many layers of our highly distributed systems. The open source world is now looking for ways to simplify, clarify and abstract as much of the cloud native experience as possible.

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You’ll see this theme tying together the five very different open source additions to the CNCF landscape, listed below. Each project will have ten minutes to present during our lightning demo livestream:

Open Service Mesh: Currently incubating at the Linux Foundation, OSM is a lightweight, extensible service mesh based on the envoy proxy and implementing the Service Mesh Interface. It aims for out-of-the-box observability within the rapid scaling up and down of a dynamic microservices architecture. It allows for easy traffic shifting between services for canary deployments and enables fine-grained access control. In this demo, Michelle Noorali, senior software engineer at Microsoft, will teach you how to speak the OSM lingo, how to install OSM, and then how to apply access control policies to control which services can communicate with each other.

CrossPlane: This Go-based, sandboxed project extends your Kubernetes cluster, allowing you to publish simplified infrastructure abstractions by providing custom resource definitions (CRD) for any infrastructure or service. This is so you can define, version, manage, and deploy your configuration using your cluster’s existing processes and tooling. CrossPlane is built to let you consume your own custom cloud APIs using a single YAML file, which in turn breaks down bottlenecks for deploying stateless code. Phil Prasek, Principal Product Manager at Upbound, will demo CrossPlane.

CloudStateJames Roper, Cloud Architect at Lightbend, will demo their open source serverless framework, which is designed to implement stateful management at the application layer on the Kubernetes stack. It looks to disentangle the greatest challenge of distributed systems: data management. Instead of delegating the management of your state to a database, CloudState users can write scalable stateful code that can be easily deployed.

#cloud native #kubernetes #open source

Join Us Oct. 20 for KubeCon Preview Livestream Demos: 5 Projects, 10 Minutes Each
1.30 GEEK