As Sony prepares to launch the PS5, Microsoft brainstorms more ways to include the letter ‘X’ in the name of its next console, and Nintendo does whatever it is that Nintendo does at the weekends, it’s a good time to look back at the eighth generation of video game consoles, and decide which of them, if any, could be described as ‘the best’.
Sony can certainly claim the crown for units shifted, having sold over 110m PS4s since its launch in 2013 (the XBox One is estimated to have sold a disappointing 47m units in the same timeframe, and the Switch 55m since its more recent 2017 release). Of course, these statistics are of little consequence to consumers, who are, we can only assume, concerned less with a console’s commercial performance than they are with the quality of games that they can play on it. But how can we judge the quality of a game? As the phrase so nearly goes: one man’s trash is another man’s Call of Duty.

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PS4 vs. XBone vs. Switch - Who Won The 8th  Console Generation?
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