Fullstack, lightweight and flexible framework for IoT applications


Fullstack, lightweight and flexible framework for IoT applications. This mono-repository enables the following technologies:

C++14 Python3 Node (v13+) Vue Bazel



This framework is built to run on all sort of embedded platforms, from bare metals 8-bit microcontrollers to high performance compute units. It is made to remove any dependencies from STL, but provide a similar set of containers and utilities to develop applications in an efficient and safe manner.

It features the followings:

  • No dynamic allocations. All storage is declared either at compile time or on the stack.
  • Self contained, no reliance on third-party nor STL dependencies.
  • Flexible error handling model.
  • Compile-time string formating tool.
  • Lightweight.
  • Usefull set of containers.

Code Quality

All supported languages come with their set of code quality related tools. To run all static sanity checks at once, code formatters and documentation generators, run the following command:


To run all tests, run the following command:


This is a non-exhaustive list of languages and their supported tools. In addition to that formater and linters for YAML, json and markdown are also available.

Language Formatters Code Analyzers Code Coverage Test Framework Documentation
C++ clang-format asan, lsan Yes Yes doxygen-based
Python yapf mypy Yes
Node prettier eslint Yes Yes
Skylark buildifier buildifier stardoc

Memory footprint

All classes offered by this library have the same objective to have a fixed memory size. Their footprint or maximum size is determined at compile time, ensuring no memory allocation at runtime, making this library ideal for any safety-critical application.


  • Task. A task is similar to the concept of coroutine in C++20, except that there it ensures no dynamic allocation. Tasks are made to run from low ressources embedded systems to high scale compute units.

Download Details:

Author: blaizard

Source Code: https://github.com/blaizard/cpp-async

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Fullstack, lightweight and flexible framework for IoT applications
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