JavaScript is powerful and flexible which allows you to code any way you like and try some very unusual things which can lead to a bug in your code. Here are 50 things I learned about coding in JavaScript you should know about.

Always  “use strict” On

Use Function expressions instead of Function Declarations

Stop using “var”!

Use “const” and immutability as much as possible

Prefer Pure Functions

Prefer Class over Constructor Functions

Use “destructuring”

Only work with data you need

Always use “===”

Avoid Global Variables

Wrap loose declarations in blocks

Organize your declarations

Don’t initialize things with “undefined”

Always initialize your declarations

Lint your code and have a consistent style

Use TypeScript

Functions and methods should do one thing only

Don’t be lazy when naming things

Avoid unnecessary declarations

Use default values when possible

Always have a default case for switch statements

Never use “eval”

Avoid the “new” keyword

Add meaningful comments for nonobvious things

Keep ternaries simple

Simplify with optional chaining

Prefer promises over callbacks

For loops > .forEach sometimes

“for…in” and “for…of”

Optimize for loops?

Always “try…catch” JSON methods

Prefer template strings

Avoid nesting or chaining loops

Avoid Weird Unreadable hacks

Prefer the  “rest” operator over  “arguments”

#coding #javascript #best-practices

50 JavaScript Best Practice Rules to Write Better Code
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