Today kicks off Microsoft Build 2020. A 48-hour digital experience that is completely free for everyone to attend online! There is something for absolutely everyone. No matter if you are a seasoned developer, building your first app, learning your first programming language, or just interested in what is new. The Xamarin and .NET teams have some exciting announcements, sessions, and interactive experience throughout the event, so let us dive in!

Microsoft Build 2020

Microsoft Build 2020: Image learn connect code

Every Developer Is Welcome Xamarin Tooling Program Manager, Maddy Leger, joins Scott Hanselman during his

keynote. They discuss the latest updates in Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms. Including XAML Hot Reload, Hot Restart, Dual-Screen Support, and a whole lot more. During this session, Maddy and Scott even showed off how to collaborate remotely. They do this using Teams and Visual Studio Live Share to iterate on an app together in real time! Be sure to watch the full keynote.

.NET is Evolving, Xamarin is Evolving During the

Journey to One .NET session, Scott Hunter lays out the plans for how we are evolving .NET. As well as all the workloads in the .NET 5 and .NET 6 wave, we are streamlining .NET for developers with a consistent API, consistent project system, and tooling. With this evolution comes an exciting evolution for native client developers building apps with .NET. That is why we are pleased to announce the next evolution of Xamarin.Forms, .NET MAUIThe .NET Multi-platform App UI framework.

.NET MAUI is the next generation framework for building native cross-platform apps across mobile and desktop. Built on top of the new generation of .NET and project system, .NET MAUI will introduce new ways to build applications. In addition to the XAML and MVVM that you know and love, .NET MAUI will bring first class support for code first development with Model-View-Update (MVU) architecture. .NET MAUI will also simplify building cross-platform native apps by introducing a single-project structure and cross-platform resources. Resources such as fonts and images, powerful hot reload, and hot restart technology built in from the start.Microsoft Build 2020: Image maui bot

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Xamarin Updates From Microsoft Build 2020
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