In this blog, we will be exploring how to integrate Jenkins with our Rest Assured test project. And as an add on we will try to publish the Allure reports through Allure Jenkins plugin as well. So let’s get started.

Why are we doing this?

The main aim here is to integrate Rest Assured with CI/CD through Jenkins and to publish the test reports along with every successful build through Allure report plugin.

How to setup Jenkins?

First of all, we need to download Jenkins to our local system. It is recommended that we should download the generic java package (.war) file as it can be executed on almost every OS. We can download it from here, .

After downloading it, open the terminal and open the directory where this .war file is present. Afterwards, execute the command

java -jar jenkins.war

Now while it is running, open this address in our web browser http://localhost:8080. Moving forward, something like this will appear on our screen.

#jenkins #jenkins ci/cd #rest assured

Integrating Rest Assured with Jenkins and Allure reports
3.15 GEEK