PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?

Are you a business owner looking for PHP web development services or ASP .Net development services, but unable to decide the right technology for your project? Are you looking for the pros and cons of ASP .Net and PHP to take an effective decision?

We have no doubt about the fact that both of these technologies have become successful ventures, and have developed great websites.

But, the question still remains fresh for all of us, especially those from a non-technical background and the question is: Which platform should we choose at the time of starting with web-apps exercise?

On one side, PHP is a free and open-source platform while ASP .Net is a paid Microsoft platform. PHP is a mix between a programming language and a web framework whereas .NET is a straight application framework.

Now, Let’s have a neat and clean comparison on PHP & DotNet on different parameters.

In the below blog, I have covered the differences between the two and tried to decipher which is the better one.

Read the full blog here: PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?

#php #dotnet

PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?
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