We will cover three aspects of objects in this article.

  1. Object Literal Syntax
  2. Function Constructors and Prototype Properties
  3. Pass by reference v/s pass by value

Object Literals

An object in Javascript is a collection of {name:value} pairs. Essentially, it is a collection of associations between a name (or key) and a value. The value can be a number, a string, an array, a function, or even another object. If the value is a function then it is known as a method.

Let’s take a look at a simple interview candidate object.

//Object Literal

var candidate = {
  title: "Mr.",
  firstname: "Tanka",
  lastname: "Jahari",
  call: function(){
    console.log(this.title + " " + this.firstname + " "+
                this.lastname + " is requested to come inside");

This representation of an object, enclosed within curly braces, is called **object-literal syntax. **Object literals follow the following syntax rules:

  • Name is separated from value by a colon
  • Name-value pairs are separated by commas
  • No comma follows the last name-value pair

Let’s see how we can call our candidate object

//Invoke the call property of the candidate

//Fetch the firstname property of the candidate

Image for post

Function Constructors

The above syntax only creates a single object. In the real world, however, we often need a blueprint for creating multiple objects. That blueprint is similar to how a class constructor behaves in languages like Python, C++ and Java.

In a strikingly similar fashion JavaScript allows us to create objects by using a constructor function. Objects are created by calling the constructor function with the new keyword. It is called a **function constructor **because it actually creates a new Function object.

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Object Literals and Function Constructors in Javascript
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