Editor’s note: There are many ways to skin the DevOps cat. Google Cloud Developer Programs Engineer Dina Graves Portman recently wrote about how to evaluate your DevOps effectiveness using the open-source Four Keys project. Here, Google Customer Engineer Brian Kaufman shows you how to do the same thing, but for an application that runs entirely on Google Cloud.

Many organizations aspire to become true, high-functioning DevOps shops, but it can be hard to know where you stand. According to DevOps Research and Assessment, or DORA, you can prioritize just four metrics to measure the effectiveness of your DevOps organization—two to measure speed, and two to measure stability:


1. Lead Time for Changes - Code commit to code in production

2. Deployment Frequency - How often you push code


3. Change Failure Rate - Rate of deployment failures in production that require immediate remedy. (Rollback or manual change)

4. Time to Restore Service (MTTR) - Mean time to recovery.

In this post, we present a methodology to collect these four metrics from software delivery pipelines and applications deployed in Google Cloud. You can then use those metrics to rate your overall practice effectiveness, and baseline your organization’s performance against DORA industry benchmarks, and determine whether you’re an Elite, High, Medium or Low performer.

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Another way to gauge your DevOps performance according to DORA
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