Data storage within hyperledger

I have started learning hyperledger. Became familiarised with it by creating a sample app using the composer playground. My doubt is regarding the decentralized storage using hyperledger. I have read some few docs which mentions about :

  • Saving the hash of the data within the blockchain to ensure the immutability.
  • Saving the image within the blockchain(as an asset) through the base64 string.

Some of the things were clear but a large portion still remains uncertain. They are :

  • Where is the data stored within the blockchain? Is it in couchdb ?
  • Suppose the data is stored within the couchdb and via multipeer a new peer gets added to the channel, then does it mean that all the couchdb's of the peers get synced ?

Any resources/tutorials that mention about data storage with the blockchain, decentralized storage etc. would be very helpful. Thanks!

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