Selecting the best technology is an important step for web development as it decides how your website and app will perform. There are a lot of web development frameworks and technologies available in the market and hence many entrepreneurs and freelancers get confused to choose the best from a large pool. Most of the entrepreneurs prefer frameworks that are entirely open-source, have wide community support and offer rapid development. Web app development is divided in two parts: front end development and back end development, accordingly there are a lot of tools available to develop robust and scalable web apps.

Django and Ruby on rails are the two most popular web applications that offer development of interactive and scalable websites and web apps. Before proceeding towards Django vs Ruby on rails, let us see each one in detail.

What Is Django?

Django is a Python based web framework released in 2005. It is an open-source and general purpose framework which makes it popular among web developers. This framework was designed to simplify the development of complex and database driven websites. It allows rapid development with neat and pragmatic design.

What Is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is a server-side, open source web app framework written under MIT Licence. Rails provides a great default structure for database, pages and web services. It works on DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself) and Conversion Over Configuration. DRY eliminates the need of doing the same task of coding repeatedly and Conversion Over Configuration means you can adapt instead of creating your own rules every time. And this makes the whole process easy.

Similarities Between Django And Ruby on Rails-

Django and ROR both are used to develop interactive and scalable websites and web apps. Let us see similarities of both frameworks-

Django and ROR both are open source web app frameworks, used to build robust web apps and websites.
Both frameworks have a large and active community, so if you have any issue, a large community is there to help you to solve your problem. Hence ROR developers and Django experts are preferring these frameworks
Both the frameworks are fast, reliable and speed up the development process.
Django and Ruby on Rails both are MVC based structure means website or web app development will be arranged into layers, models, defined routes and controllers within the framework itself.

Django Vs Ruby on Rails-

1. Maturity Of Platform-
Django was first released in 2005 and since it has been on the list of best frameworks for web development. His recent release was released in December 2019 which includes many new features and improved usability.

ROR was first released in 2003 and in 2004 it was declared as an open source program. It’s latest version is released in August 2019.

2. Syntax-
ROR is based on ruby while Django uses Python. Python is a widely used programming language and is popular for its simple and readable code whereas Ruby is famous for its syntax. Ruby has a simple syntax like english language and this makes it popular among the developer community.

3. Principles-
Principles holds the process of web app development. Django has to principles and “Explicit is better than Implicit.” This helps developers to create easy to understand software that can be managed by many people.

Ruby on Rails uses DRY and the Configuration Convention means you have to follow the guidelines so as to be successful instead of making your own configurations. It helps to improve efficiency and speed.

4. User Interface-
Django and ROR both are absolute winners in this case. Both of them offer a high-class experience. These web frameworks allow you to develop fully loaded functional websites with add-ons and plugins.

5. Speed And Performance-
In the comparison of ROR and Django, Rails is 0.7% faster because of its amazing libraries and plugins. All things considered, Django similarly supports rapid development processes and is a great decision for a web framework. Django REST framework delivers convenience as authentication modules, JSON serializers/deserializers etc. When comparing Django vs ROR, Django may have an edge because REST is and advantage of Django. The performance of Django vs Rails is high for both as it uses modern programming languages while providing tools to optimize the code.

6. Security-
Django and ROR, both are secure web app frameworks having set of tools that websites or web apps from SQL injection, cross-site scripting and so on. You can trust both of these frameworks as far as security.

7. HTML Template-
Although the main feature of Django and Ruby on Rails framework is template, Django makes use of simple template language to allow developers for template creation with less programming and HTML capabilities. On the other side, Rails’ views are more complicated.

8. Web Servers-
Main web servers for Django are NGINX using WSGI, Apache, Gunicorn and Cherokee, whereas database servers for Django are SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle.

Ruby on Rails web framework uses NGINX, Apache and WEBrick as prominent servers. Database servers for Rails include MySQL and PostgreSQL.

9. Community Support-
Django is an open source framework and has an open source ecosystem, which means there are a bunch of libraries and tools available which are free and paid. It has documentation which is enough to provide you a solution for issue. Django community is more than 11000 with more than 4000 ready packages for developers.

Ruby on Rails has an active community of 5000 people who have already contributed with reusable code.

When To Choose Django?

  • If you require configuration-based approach
  • If you do not need out of the box functionality
  • You can choose Django if your team is ready to use Python

When To Choose RoR?

  • If you have a skilled team of developers
  • you need to develop application fast with libraries
  • should be able to iterate quick RoR minimizes code writing time and lets your team deploy faster.

Final Words-

Selecting the right framework is an important task. Django and Ruby on Rails are great frameworks having their own advantages and disadvantages. Considering above factors will surely help you to decide the best one according to project’s requirements.

You can hire dedicated Django developers of solace team, if you want to use a Python-based framework. Also if you want more functionalities for your web app, then you can go with ROR and hire ruby on rails developers. Connect with the solace team and get a free quote for a web development with Django or Ruby on rails. We will be happy to help you.

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Django Vs Ruby on Rails: Which One to Choose? And When? - Solace Infotech Pvt Ltd
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