Nodes are the basic building blocks in a Kumologica flow. Flows are built by composing the business logic as a sequence of corresponding nodes and chaining them together.

Nodes are the basic building blocks in a Kumologica flow. Flows are built by composing the business logic as a sequence of corresponding nodes and chaining them together.

The flow below implements the logic of deleting an entry from an AWS DynamoDB table and demonstrates the simplicity and power provided by the Kumologica platform.

Kumologica Flow: Delete an entry from AWS DynamoDB

Kumologica Flow: Delete an entry from AWS DynamoDB.

Although the required business logic can always be implemented by chaining together the nodes, sometimes it is easier to write few lines of custom code to get the intended logic represented. To support such scenarios Kumologica provides the Function node.

The Function node lets JavaScript code run against messages that pass through it. The message is passed in as an object called msg. It will have a msg.payload property containing the body of the message, as per convention.

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Kumologica: Adding Custom Logic Using Function Node
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