In May, GitHub shipped a total of 20 new features. We love what we do, but we know it’s a lot to keep up with. So we’re trying something new on the GitHub Blog—a monthly recap of everything that shipped to Changelog in the past month. Check out some of the updates you might have missed.

What was big in May?

You can now  upload video (.mp4 and .mov ) across GitHub, including to issues, pull requests, and discussions.

Use video for demos! Use it for troubleshooting! Use it to demonstrate to all your colleagues why Tobey Maguire is the best Spiderman.

In “other news we’re excited about,” you can now  sync an out of date branch of a fork from the web with only one click. (How will you use all your free time?)

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What’s new from GitHub Changelog? May 2021 Recap
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