Vue3.0 background management system framework construction

The importance of vue can be imagined, learning vue3.0 in advance, there is nothing wrong with it. This article will take you to understand the knowledge points of vue3.0 construction project, antd introduction, life cycle, data two-way data binding use, method use, calculation properties, monitoring, component introduction, component value transfer, routing value transfer, etc., I am a rookie, A lot of guidance. Don’t talk nonsense, make a login, list, and details interface directly on the code through actual operations.

github source code:

Effect preview: login page, home page, list page, details page



Details page

1. Project construction

  1. Not to mention installing node, it is necessary. In addition, you need to install the latest scaffolding of vue-cli 4th generation and above. You can install/update the scaffolding version by executing the following npm command
脚手架升级: npm update @vue/cli
初次安装:   npm i @vue/cli -g

Choose the plug-ins that need to be pre-installed according to your needs

vue create \[projectName\]

How do you know that you have installed vue3.0 correctly? Please refer to the main.js of vue3.0. The introduction of vue2.0 into vue is import Vue from’vue’, and vue3.0 is the introduction of deconstruction. Seeing that the introduction of deconstruction means this project is vue3 .0, good job, continue. . .

Vue3.0 global mount http, api, config

By the way, if vue3.0+ts is developed, the global mount needs to be mounted as follows

Add the code with + sign in the file main.ts

//  main.ts
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
\+ import axios from "axios";

const app = createApp(App);
\+ app.config.globalProperties.$http = axios;
在文件 shims-vue.d.ts添加 带有 + 符号后代码

//  shims-vue.d.ts

declare module "*.vue" {
  import { defineComponent } from "vue";
  const component: ReturnType<typeof defineComponent>;
  export default component;

\+ declare module "@vue/runtime-core" {
\+  import { AxiosInstance } from "axios";
\+  interface ComponentCustomProperties {
\+    $http: AxiosInstance;
\+  }
\+ }

2. Install and introduce antd

$ npm i --save ant-design-vue@next

//If you need to import on demand, install the plug-in babel-plugin-import and then configure babel.config.js$ npm i --save babel-plugin-import

Full introduction

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Antd from 'ant-design-vue';
import App from './App';
import 'ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css';

const app = createApp();
app.config.productionTip = false;


以上代码便完成了 Antd 的引入。需要注意的是,样式文件需要单独引入。


import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { Button, message } from 'ant-design-vue';
import App from './App';

const app = createApp();
app.config.productionTip = false;

/\* Automatically register components under Button, such as Button.Group */

app.config.globalProperties.$message = message;



module.exports = {
  presets: \["@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset"\],
  plugins: \[
        libraryName: "ant-design-vue", 
        libraryDirectory: "es", 
        style: "css"//为true时加载的是less文件

At present, I introduce antd in a global way, and you can introduce it according to your needs.

3. Page layout

app.vue page

  <div id="app">

<style lang="less">
#app {
  text-align: center;

Login page: involves data definition, responsive data, life cycle, method invocation, instance acquisition (that is, this of vue2.x)

	<div class="box">
		<a-form class="form" layout="inline">
			<a-form-item label="账号">
				<a-input v-model:value="account" type="text" placeholder="请输入账号"/>
			<a-form-item label="密码">
				<a-input v-model:value="password" type="password" placeholder="请输入密码"/>
			<h3>输入账号密码,{{count}} 秒后登录</h3>
			<a-button @click="login()" block :disabled="account === '' || password === ''" type="primary">登录</a-button>

	//vue-cli 4.5.4创建的3.0
	// import { reactive } from '@vue/composition-api' //会提示报错 export 'default' (imported as 'Vue') was not found in 'vue'
	import { reactive, toRefs, getCurrentInstance, onBeforeMount, onMounted, onBeforeUpdate, onUpdated, onBeforeUnmount, onUnmounted, onErrorCaptured} from 'vue' //vue-cli 4.5.4 之后vue3.0集成了@vue/composition-api
	export default {
		name: 'login',
		components: {


		setup() {
			//setup(props,context)函数  默认两个属性props,context 属性和上下文   setup函数中无法访问到this   
			//创建处理响应式数据对象 类似date  需要先导入
			const state = reactive({
				count: 3,
				name: '我是响应式数据name',
				account: '',//账号
				password: ''//密码
			//Vue 3.0 中通过 getCurrentInstance 方法获取当前组件的实例,然后通过 ctx 属性获得当前上下文,ctx.$router 是 Vue Router 实例,里面包含了 currentRoute 可以获取到当前的路由信息
			const { ctx } = getCurrentInstance();
			const login = () => {
				// state.count++;

				let {account,password} = state;//对象解构
				if(account=== "" || password===""){
				// return

			onBeforeMount( () => {
			onMounted( () => {
			onBeforeUpdate( () => {
			onUpdated( () => {
				console.log('onUpdated,响应式数据变化完成 ,相当于updated')
			onBeforeUnmount( () => {
				console.log('onBeforeUnmount,实例销毁前 ,相当于beforeDestroy')
			onUnmounted( () => {
				console.log('onUnmounted,实例已销毁 ,相当于destroyed')
			onErrorCaptured( () => {
			//setup函数的返回值 导出
			return {
				//...state,  //如果没有用toRefs方法的话,是不能把reactive创建出来的数据变成响应式数据的  需要响应式就是要加上toRefs 否则不需要
<style lang="less" scoped>
		width: 50%;
		margin: 0 auto;
		padding-top: 200px;
			width: 60%;
			margin: 0 auto;
			padding-top: 30px;

It can be seen that the structure of vue2.x is very different, such as setup, method usage, etc. Setup is the entrance to Composition API. The new properties provided by Vue3.0 can use Composition API in setup. In the code, we initialized a reactive data through reactive in setup, and then returned an object through return. The object contains the declared reactive data and a method.

The setup function has two parameters, props and context, setup(props,context);

Properties passed in from outside the props component

export default {
  props: {
    title: {
      type: String
  setup(props) {

Context is an object, which contains three attributes, namely attrs, slots, emit

attrs is the same as this.$attrs of Vue2.0, that is, attributes passed in from outside that are not defined in props. For attrs and props, we cannot use es6 deconstruction for attrs, we must use

Slots correspond to the slots of the components, which correspond to this.$slots of Vue2.0. Like props and attrs, slots cannot be deconstructed.

Emit corresponds to this.$emit of Vue2.0, that is, the external exposure event.

home.vue page


		<Nav />
		<a-button @click="back()">退出登录</a-button>

	// import { reactive } from '@vue/composition-api' //会提示报错 export 'default' (imported as 'Vue') was not found in 'vue'
	import { reactive,toRefs,getCurrentInstance } from 'vue' //vue-cli 4.5.4 之后vue3.0集成了@vue/composition-api
	import Nav from '../../components/nav.vue'
	export default {
		name: 'home',
		components: {

		setup(props,context) {
			//函数  默认两个属性props,context 属性和上下文   setup函数中无法访问到this   
			//创建处理响应式数据对象 类似date  需要先导入
			const state = reactive({

			//Vue 3.0 中通过 getCurrentInstance 方法获取当前组件的实例,然后通过 ctx 属性获得当前上下文,ctx.$router 是 Vue Router 实例,里面包含了 currentRoute 可以获取到当前的路由信息
			const { ctx } = getCurrentInstance();
			const back =() => {
			//setup函数的返回值 导出
			return {

index->index.vue page

	<div style="padding-top: 100px;">
		<img src="../../../assets/logo.png" alt="">

	import { reactive, toRefs, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
	export default {
		name: 'index',
		// components: {

		// },
		setup() {
			const state = reactive({

			const { ctx } = getCurrentInstance();
			//setup函数的返回值 导出
			return {

accountList.vue list page (calculated attributes)

	<div style="margin-top: 100px;">
		<ti :title="title"></ti>
		<a-table :data-source="list" :pagination="false" style="width: 60%; margin: 0 auto 30px;">
			<a-table-column key="account" title="account" data-index="account" />
			<a-table-column key="password" title="password" data-index="password" />
			<a-table-column key="action" data-index="action">
				<template v-slot="{record}">
						<a @click="goToLink(">详情</a>
		<a-input type="text" v-model:value="leftValue" placeholder="leftValue" style="width: 100px;"/>
		<a-input type="text" v-model:value="rightValue" placeholder="rightValue" style="width: 100px;"/>
		<!\-\- <div>
			<h2>Clicked {{ count }} times</h2>
			<h2>Watch Count is {{ watchCount }}</h2>
			<button @click="increase">Click</button>
		</div> -->

	import {
	} from 'vue'
	import title from './component/title.vue'
	export default {
		name: 'accountList',
		components: {
			'ti': title
		setup(props, context) {
			console.log('propss,context', props, context)
			const state = reactive({
				title: '我是子组件的值', //子组件
				list: \[\],
				count: 3,
				leftValue: 0,
				rightValue: 0,
				resultValue: computed(() => {
					return Number(state.leftValue) + Number(state.rightValue);
			// const count1 = ref(0);
			// const watchCount = ref(0);
			// function increase () {
			//   count1.value++;
			// };
			// watch( () => count1.value,
			// 	(val) => {
			// 		watchCount.value = val;
			// 	}
			// );
			const {
			} = getCurrentInstance();
			console.log('列表实例', ctx)

			function goToLink(index) {
					path: '/accountList/detail',
					query: {
						id: index

			function getList() {
				// axios请求
				let timer1 = setInterval(() => {
					if (state.count < 1) {
				}, 1000)
				let timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
					state.list = \[{
							id: 1,
							account: 'admin',
							password: '111111'
							id: 2,
							account: 'chushi',
							password: 'chushi-111'
							id: 3,
							account: 'six',
							password: '666'
				}, 2000)

				// async getList(params) {
				// 	state.loading = true;
				// 	try{
				// 		let res = await ctx.$api.systemManage.getList(params);
				// 		if ( === ctx.$config.RET\_CODE.SUCCESS\_CODE) {
				// 			let data =;
				// 			if (data.length > 0) {
				// 				state.tableData = data;
				// 				state.paginationParams.pageSize = data.pageSize; //每页的数量
				// 				state.paginationParams.size = data.size; //当前页的数量
				// =; //总条数
				// 				state.paginationParams.pages = data.pages; //总页码数
				// 			} else {
				// 				state.tableData = \[\];
				// 			}
				// 		} else {
				// 			ctx.$Message.error('请求成功,暂无数据');
				// 		}
				// 		state.loading = false;
				// 	}catch(e){
				// 		state.loading = false;
				// 		ctx.$Message.error('暂无数据');
				// 		console.log(e);
				// 	}
				// }
			onMounted(() => {
			//setup函数的返回值 导出
			return {

detail page (routing parameters)

		<router-link to="/accountList">返回列表</router-link>

	import { reactive, toRefs, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
	import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
	export default {
		name: 'detail',
		components: {

		setup(props,context) {
			const state = reactive({
				id: ''
			const { ctx } = getCurrentInstance();//获取实例
			const { query } = useRoute();//获取路由参数
			console.log(query) =;
			//setup函数的返回值 导出
			return {

I believe everyone has a preliminary understanding of the basic usage of vue3.0. As a rookie, I am also constantly learning and updating

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Author: parchments


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#vue #vuejs #javascript

Vue3.0 background management system framework construction
6.80 GEEK