Amazon EC2 is a service that allows you businesses to run their application in AWS cloud. You can easily set up a virtual machine and perform all your computation on it. In this post, we will teach you the basics of Amazon EC2.


EC2 is one of the oldest and fundamental services of AWS. Though everything today is serverless, you still need to know EC2. EC2 allows you to do the following things :

  • Rent virtual machines (EC2 itself)
  • Store data on virtual drives (EBS)
  • Distribute load across the machines (ELB)
  • Scale the services using an auto-scaling group (ASG)

Amazon Machine Image – AMI

AMIs are the templates from which virtual servers (EC2 instance) get created.

In simple terms, AMIs are the collection of the operating system, architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) with the softwares that will be running on that operating system.

For example:

  • Amazon Linux AMI is the one that comes with a Linux operating system and many packages of the Linux that one might need.

  • Windows AMI comes with Windows as its operating system and software one might need.

By choosing AMI you basically decide the software part of your EC2 machine. You can use a single AMI and launch multiple instances from it.

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A Beginner's Guide to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
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