Programming has become mainstream in the last decade in comparison with other fields. With the rise in the number of mobile phones around the world, companies have begun to move their business model towards the online mode.

The most successful way to achieve this is by developing software or apps and for this, companies hire developers that are comfortable with app development.

When we talk about app development, the most common name that comes in our mind is Java. It is the basic language used when developing software. But what we don’t know is that we have another competitor to Java which is known as Dot Net.

Java and Dot NET frequently clash in the programming scene. Indeed, Microsoft discharged .NET (C#, explicitly) to contend with Java, which has a firm hang on numerous stage advancement ventures.

Dot net is also quite famous in software development and used a lot these days. So in this article, we are going to discuss the reasons that make Dot net better than Java.

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Reasons Why Dot NET is Better Than Java
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