You may feel that your job isn’t very relevant to the social issues our society is facing. The structural issues at play in your workplace may seem so big that you feel helpless to make a difference. What if there was a way that you could affect some small change that could make a great impact?
Data scientists spend a lot of time defining what it means to be a data scientist. Articles, online courses and degree programs set industry expectations. We’re told how to architect teams and workflows down to the tiniest process. Throughout these myriad definitions, there is one common thread: “Data Science” is an invention. Defining what it means to be a Data Scientist doesn’t make working as one any more meaningful. In fact, the more we seek to define the elusive Data Scientist role, the more we limit who that definition includes.

#inclusion #data-science #accessibility #diversity #diversity-in-tech

The Value of Happiness in Data Science
1.45 GEEK