In March of 2020, the TensorFlow team released the TensorFlow Developer Certificate. This foundational certificate allows ML practitioners to prove that they have the skill set required to succeed in an entry-level ML role. For the uninitiated, TensorFlow is an open-source Machine Learning framework from Google. Apart from being a powerful numeric-computing software, ML developers and researchers can build and deploy production-grade ML models quickly.

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In the second of this four-part series, I’m going to share my learning path with you so that you, too, can start from knowing nothing about ML and end with the skills to land an entry-level job in this space. I’m also going to share the advantages of getting certified, along with whether the certification will be useful to you and whether it’s worth your time and money.

What’s A Certificate Worth, Anyway?

There is a tense debate in the tech-world about whether certifications are useful on a job seeker’s résumé. Some people argue that they are utterly useless and that substantial projects, fantastic internship experience, and a proven history of success in an industry-based role are what count. Others believe that they help demonstrate that the applicant has had some experience with the domain and can boost the candidate’s employability. I don’t think either side is incorrect.

I believe that certifications do have their place. In my experience, getting certified at something has always opened doors of opportunity for me. For example, my University entrusted me with building multiple official apps and allowed me to start the Mobile App Development Club in 2018; that I had become a Google Certified Associate Android Developer was a huge credibility-booster in that regard. Ever since I received my TensorFlow Developer Certificate, my LinkedIn profile has been getting a tremendous amount of traction, with people from all walks of life messaging me to ask for my suggestions and advice. This certificate has also made for an excellent addition to my résumé. It gives me something to talk about with recruiters right off the bat.

Do I think certifications alone are enough? Definitely not. But I would be lying if I said that getting certified hasn’t improved the quality of my professional life. Are you wondering if it’s right for you? You will be far better prepared to make that decision by the end of this article.

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The TensorFlow Developer Certificate
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