In May 2020 I took part in the Pipeline Summer Camp — the inaugural offering from the Berlin data engineering bootcamp Pipeline Data Engineering Academy.

I’m writing this post as a thank you to Peter & Daniel (the founders of Pipeline). As you’ll see below, I got lots of value from their Summer Camp. I hope this posts helps others to benefit from the value that Peter & Daniel are trying to bring to the world.

I know Peter from my time at Data Science Retreat, where he combined business acumen with a genuine care for the success of students. I’ve only met Daniel online, and it was clear from the Summer Camp that his combination of technical expertise, experience and teaching approach will be massively valuable to new data engineers.

It’s an exciting team, and I’m looking forward to seeing Pipeline establish themselves in Berlin — consider me a fan.

What was the Summer Camp?

The Summer Camp was a one week course in data engineering, held online in May 2020, when much of the world’s population was in lockdown.

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The effects of corona have been felt worldwide — yet there is opportunity in this crisis. Pipeline have shown already they are capable of seeing opportunity in a crisis.

It’s not easy to teach online — the last few months at [Data Science Retreat] were spent developing a coronavirus strategy for the school, including how to deliver classes online. The course content (mainly lectures over slides) was delivered skillfully and technically relevant. Students all felt comfortable enough to ask questions, which is a sign of a well delivered class.

The course is a great example of a lean approach — a minimum viable product with lots of customer feedback. It’s great to be a part of, and I’m looking forward to seeing Pipeline expand their offering in data engineering education.

The course was delivered remotely via Zoom & Slack — roughly half teaching time, half project work. The goal of the course was simple — build a data engineering product in a week.

#bash #python #data-engineering #sql #data analysis

Can you build a data engineering product in a week?
1.25 GEEK