In lots of ways, entrepreneurship can feel a bit like a video game. You start with nothing — no knowledge of the world, no resources, and obstacles lurking around every corner. Slowly… verrrrrry slowly… that begins to change. You start building a map of the broader startup “world.” You meet people who can help you on your journey. You get access to new tools, gain new powers, learn new abilities, face new enemies.
True, this comparison to video games is just a playful fantasy. For better or worse, entrepreneurship is real life. But let’s extend the analogy between entrepreneurship and video games one step further.
One of my favorite things about video games when I was a kid was the existence of cheat codes. With the press of a few buttons, I would go from hopeless to hero. All the obstacles that made the game slow and frustrating and difficult would vanish in an instant, and the entire virtual world would open up for me to explore and conquer.

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Startups Are Like Video Games. Do You Know the Cheat Codes?
1.55 GEEK