AmazeWoW is a development initiative with internship and FTE SDE (Full-time Software Development Engineer) opportunities for Amazon in India, focused on bringing in top talent from engineering institutes. AmazeWoW aims at building gender balance at the entry-level for the SDE role so that with Amazon’s talent nurturing environment, the future leadership pipeline of the Amazon technology team is more diverse.

**Online Test: **There were 4 sections in the online test, code debug, coding test (two questions), Work Styles Assessment, and logical ability.

Coding Questions :

  1. Longest Palindromic Substring: Standard DP question.
  2. Find the most frequently occurring word in a sentence that is not in a given list of banned words: Divide the sentence into a stream of words, then use a hashmap to keep the count of the number of occurrences of each word that is not in the list of banned words and print the words from the hashmap with the maximum count.

#internship #interview experiences #amazon #marketing

Amazon Interview Experience for FTE SDE Internship (AmazeWoW)
2.50 GEEK