Django Authentication – How to build Login/Logout/Signup for custom User

Building user authentication is not easy, in almost case, it’s complicated. Fortunately, Django has a powerful built-in User authentication that helps us create our Authentication system fast. By default, the User model in Django auth app contains fields: username, password, email, first_name, last_name… However, using our own custom user model allows us deal with user profile more comfortably. For example, what if we want to add more fields: full_name or age?

In this tutorial, we’re gonna look at way to customize authentication in Django (version 2.1) using subclass of AbstractBaseUser: AbstractUser. All User authentication data will be stored in MySQL/PostgreSQL database that we’ll show you how to config the datasource.

It will be very interesting. Let’s go through the steps.

Django Custom Authentication Project overview


We will build a Dajngo Project with Authentication app that has login/logout/signup with custom fields such as full name and age: django-authentication-example-signup-login-logout-project-goal

We will code our custom signup() function, login() and logout() is automatically implemented by Django auth.

All User data will be saved in MySQL/PostgreSQL database.

Project Structure

Here is the folders and files structure that we will create in the next steps. django-authentication-example-signup-login-logout-project-structure

Setup Django Custom Authentication Project

Create Django project named DjangoAuth with command: django-admin startproject DjangoAuth

Run following commands to create new Django App named authen inside the project:

  • cd DjangoAuth
  • python startapp authen

Open upload/, we can see AuthenConfig class (subclass of the django.apps.AppConfig) that represents our Django app and its configuration:

from django.apps import AppConfig

class AuthenConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'authen'

Open, find INSTALLED_APPS, then add:


Config Django project to work with database

MySQL Database

Install & Import Python MySQL Client

We have to install Python MySQL Client to work with MySQL database. In this tutorial, we use pymysql: pip install pymysql.

Once the installation is successful, import this module in DjangoAuth/

Django Authentication – How to build Login/Logout/Signup for custom User

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Django Authentication - How to build Login/Logout/Signup for custom User » grokonez
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