Kubernetes enables teams to deploy and manage their own services, but this can lead to gaps in visibility as different teams create systems with varying configurations and resources. Without an established method for provisioning infrastructure, keeping track of these services becomes more challenging. Implementing infrastructure as code solves this problem by optimizing the process for provisioning and updating production-ready resources.

Now, you can go one step further by easily incorporating monitoring as code into your existing Kubernetes infrastructure with the Datadog Operator. We’ve extended the Operator to include a DatadogMonitor custom resource definition (CRD). Much like Prometheus alerting rules, which allow you to configure alert conditions based on Kubernetes metrics, Datadog CRDs enable you to automatically create and manage monitors for Kubernetes resources via your Kubernetes deployment manifests and tools like kubectl.

We’ll show how to get started with the Datadog Operator and look at a few examples of Datadog monitors you can create to proactively track and alert on the performance of your Kubernetes objects.

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Automatically create and manage Kubernetes alerts with Datadog
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