Regards to all Coders out there.
Coding is the most important part for app development but also you might have heard that “what people see is what they buy” or “The First impression is the last impression” so to make the first impression of your app memorable, we must make our UI of the app as beautiful and simple as possible.
But, how do we do that? by taking inspirations from the pro UI/UX designers ofc.
I am not a UI/UX expert but people out there are so why not utilize their knowledge and
make some beautiful UIs.
Here, I am showing the UI creation of my last Project “Pet Finder App UI” which I made using
Adobe XD.
This UI concept is inspired by a impeccable UI/UX expert and a dribble artist: (Forgot the name).

Enjoy the video and let me know what is your way of designing app UIs
Like the video if found interesting.
Thank You

#ui #speedart #adobe xd #app ui design #app ui

Pet Finder App UI Design in Adobe XD | SpeedArt | Simple | Clean | UI
1.35 GEEK