When building an app using a framework, sometimes you need to configure some routes. If you are working with frameworks like AngularJs or VueJs, you might get a free hashbang (#!)in the URL of your routes, which can be annoying.

This means we will get #!/myUrl, when what we want /myUrl .

A way to solve this problem is by setting a html5 history mode in your routes file. You might find this solved on the web, for example, in this post in StackOverflow. However, when I implemented it in my code, I faced problems. That’s why I’d like to share with you how I did it and how I solved those issues, hoping it can be of help to anyone.

The way to do this will change depending on which framework you use. I will explain how I do it in VueJs.

#vuejs #website-development #programming #apache #software-development #html5

Configure Html5 History Mode in VueJS and Apache
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