Today we are talking about B2B Software Security. Watch this video to know which methods Jelvix uses to ensure software security.

You may wonder: what is the difference between B2B and B2C security? The answer is simple: when it comes to a typical B2C business, scammers don’t care who their target is. They are just trying to reach as many companies as possible and earn money. And when it comes to B2B, there are 3 main types of threats you can face. Among them are:

1 - Random threats then hackers roam freely and attack the organization by accident which stand at about 90% of threats,
2 - Targeted which stand at 10% of threats. Here hackers know whom they want to attack, what kind of protection does a particular organization use
3 - Cyberweapons which stand at 0.1% threats, or even less. These attacks are not meant to be profitable, and their main goal is to receive some information or ruin a particular business.

#b2b #software #security #b2c #prevent hacks

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