When we usually talk about AI, deep learning, machine learning we automatically think of Python, R, or C++, but what about JavaScript? Well… turns out, one of the most popular libraries for machine learning in Python is available for JavaScript as well, we are talking about Tensorflow , and today we will do a short introduction into the library, and we will build a fun project together.

What is Tensorflow.js and for what can be used?

TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript library developed by Google for training and deploying machine learning models in the browser and in Node.js. It’s a companion library to TensorFlow , the popular ML library for Python.

TensorFlow.js is not just a toy library, it is serious business, the performance is surprising, especially when using hardware acceleration through WebGL, but should we train models with it? Perhaps no, even though you can achieve great performance, it’s Python counterpart is even faster, and when working with Python you will find more libraries to support your code like Numpy and Pandas. In addition to learning materials, where there’s not as much for TensorFlow.js as there is for TensorFlow.

Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use TensorFlow.js, on the contrary, I think it’s a great library for deploying and running ML models, and it is what we are going to focus for the rest of the article.

Speech Recognition with TensorFlow.js
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